Drew Powell

October 14, 2007, 6:28 pm
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I feel like a broken record but God continues to show me things about His character through parenting and my children. Over the past couple weeks, Jamie and I have been faced with a somewhat minor challenge. Gracie (our oldest daughter), has developed a relatively significant stutter. We first noticed it a couple weeks ago and it’s not getting any better. Again, it’s not a big of deal, it’s pretty common for kids her age, and a strong majority of the time kids grow through it. Let’s just say we’re not freaking out over it. We know there are tons of people dealing with huge life threatening issues and God has blessed us with healthy children. Nonetheless, it bothers me that she has to deal with it. So far she hasn’t noticed it but it still affects me . My natural tendency  is to be defensive of her. Of course I don’t want her teased or embarrassed. The point is, the fact that she has this doesn’t make me love her less. As a matter of fact, it increases my love for her. As a father, it provokes me to want to protect and nurture her even more. My love for her is not based on what she does or even becomes but it is because of who she is.

It’s interesting how a lot of times we feel like our imperfections cause God to feel differently about us. I wonder if the opposite is true. God sees our imperfections and the places we fail and loves us because we’re His and because He payed a huge price for us. He wants us just as we are, imperfections and all. It’s good to know that I can’t do anything to make my Father quit loving me or even feel less about me.

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Andrew and Jamie,
You may not remember but I was a stutterer. God did a miracle when I was in college after he called me to preach. Maybe I can share it with you sometime. I love you both and will pray for your precious daughter. It is normal fr kids to stutter. Chad did for a while but is fine today.
I love your blog.
Pastor Dave

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